Harrassment & Abuse
Harassment and abuse can be expressed in five forms, occurring in combination or in isolation.
Harassment and may be deliberate, unsolicited and coercive. It is often result from abuse of authority or power by an individual against another. It is based on any grounds, including race, religion, colour, creed, ethnic origin, physical, attributes, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, socio-economic status and athletic ability. It can happen in person or online.

Signs to Seeking Help
One should seek help if you notice you or your child is showing the following signs:
Reduced ability to concentrate
Problems in close relationships
Losing interest
Physical stress reaction
Avoids contact with people
Agression / Withdrawal
Constant tiredness

Seeking Help

Jin Zhuang
Safesport Officer
Safeguarding Officer responsibility is in managing and reporting any concerns related to breaches of Safe Sport practices to SportSG’s Safe Sport Taskforce. He will be the orgainsation's first responder support to victim who report of any Safe Sport related cases. He will provide advice and expertise to staff, participants and volunteers in safeguarding-related matters.
He aims to promote Safe Sport practices to all staff, participants and volunteers or to all members of the sporting fraternity and ensuring safeguarding standards are met and maintained within the organisation.